zaterdag 16 januari 2010

Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, 12-2009.

Vancouver, 08-2009

Eindhoven, 18-09-2009
Olympus E-P1 with OM 1.4 50mm
Mauritius , 08-2007

Road workers, Himalaya, India 07-2004

Kalsar-Leh road, Himalaya, India 07-2004

Lebanon, 02-2004

Tehran, 01-2004
Syria 08-2003. Child labour or protection?

Aleppo, Syria 08-2003

The Gambia, Africa 09-2003

Cairo, 09-2003
Karwar, India 08-2003

The Bay, Capetown, South Africa 08-2003

Tehran, Iran

Tehran, 08-2003

vrijdag 15 januari 2010

Moscow , 06-2006

Shanghai, 03-2006

Paris, October 2009

Akashi Strait, Japan 02-2009